Charlie Liu, PhD

5 Years at KJ
10 Years in Industry

Dr. Charlie Liu has extensive first-hand experience in the construction and operation of pilot-scale systems for the remediation of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) by treatment technologies including adsorbents (granular activated carbon (GAC) and ion exchange resins (IX)), high-pressure membranes (reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF)), and UV-based degradation technologies in natural groundwater sources at municipalities and Department of Defense installations.

He is experienced in evaluating and comparing PFAS remediation by GAC and IX and has worked with the City of Fountain, Colorado on two separate year-long pilot-scale evaluations comparing GAC and IX. He has also been involved in several experiments detailing the removal of PFASs by the novel adsorbent Fluorosorb (FS200). Additionally, he has extensive experience collecting PFAS samples and performing PFAS sample analysis. He is well versed in the impacts of water quality on PFAS treatment, and the mechanisms associated with PFAS treatment. He has published and co-authored several peer-reviewed journal articles on PFAS remediation.