
Risk Assessment

50+ Risk Assessment Services Projects 
$10M+ in Fees 
50+ Risk Assessment Services Projects 
$10M+ in Fees 

What Our Clients Say:

The Lower Willamette Group would like to express its deep appreciation for the efforts of your staff... The Round 2 Report was delivered to EPA on-time and within budget, which is a fine achievement...

— Lower Willamette Group


New evaluation of chemical fate and transport and toxicity is resulting in increased estimates of risk and a decrease in screening values, default cleanup levels, and permit discharge limits for a variety of compounds. A patchwork of state and local regulatory approaches to regulation and risk evaluation is emerging for compounds with both a long history, such as petroleum hydrocarbons, and more recent arrivals such as perfluorinated compounds.

The diversity of approaches and rapidly changing criteria create challenges for those managing legacy environmental conditions as well as operational facilities anticipating and responding to changes in permit discharge limits. As a proven leader in providing human health and ecological risk assessment services, Kennedy Jenks uses a strong understanding of the underlying science and toxicology to refine and improve estimates of risk.  Building on a foundation of an accurate conceptual site model our scientists and toxicologists consider a range of site-specific factors to provide a tailored evaluation of risk that fits site conditions more precisely.  With KJ’s assistance, clients and stakeholders can mutually focus on risk-based decisions and actions that maximize value and benefits to the community and the environment.

KJ is using exciting developments in data management tools, such as Power BI dashboards and GIS technology to drive efficiency in environmental risk assessment.  The recent integration of our Applied Data Management and Visualization team in partnership with our risk assessment and remediation professionals is yielding significant efficiencies.  Using graphical interfaces and automatic processes to simplify previously tedious and complex elements of risk evaluation, KJ is generating significant value by enabling data managers, toxicologists, and remediation engineers to work together to evaluate a wide range of scenarios for cleanup and risk management.

Our interdisciplinary team provides a wide range of ecological, toxicological, and related environmental services, offering responsive, efficient, cost-effective solutions to our clients’ environmental challenges. Those services include:

  • Fate and transport modeling
  • Specialized toxicology support
  • Sediment quality and water quality evaluations
  • Dredged material characterization
  • Emerging contaminants
  • Bioaccumulation/bioavailability evaluations
  • Regulatory and litigation support
  • Total maximum daily load (TMDL) determination
  • Risk communication and public outreach
  • Natural resource permitting
  • Strategy development
  • Natural resource damage assessment
  • Peer review