
Transportation – including rail, air, water, and highway travel – is a critical part of any economy, providing thousands of jobs and enabling the movement of people and goods throughout the world. However, like any large-scale human endeavor, there are impacts on the environment that require close monitoring and remediation. In response to community concerns and environmental regulations, wastewater treatment, stormwater management, air quality control, hazardous materials management, site clean-up, and sustainability must be part of normal operations.

Kennedy Jenks has long provided consulting and engineering services to transportation companies including railroads, airlines, marine operators, and others. Our services include designing, building, and expanding facilities and industrial wastewater treatment systems, evaluating and improving sustainable operations, stormwater conveyance and treatment, air quality permitting and compliance monitoring, site remediation, emergency response actions, and facility closures.

Kennedy Jenks has helped corporations throughout the United States build and adapt their infrastructure to meet the demands of growth, mounting environmental regulations, natural resource management and sustainability. Over the years, Kennedy Jenks’ experts have successfully completed hundreds of environmental projects, bridging the gap between private companies, regulatory agencies, and the community. With a reputation for excellence and innovation, many clients have relied on Kennedy Jenks’ for more than half a century to help achieve their business goals.